Week 6

well the last week was a big push towards the end of the game. 

i was able to all of the sprites and levels made. i was also able to find the sounds that will be going in my game.

for the background designs and the sprites were all made by me. i used piskel to make the sprites for the player. one of the designs were changed which was the first level sprite. the dinosaur no longer has a caveman on the back of it. i was also able to get the game over screen made. i made it in 3DS Max. the design was a game over message with two missiles and a skull forming a crossbones. (you can see the sprites and the backgrounds in the photos).

as for the actual code. i had got most of it done. i just had to implement and that would have been it. now i can focus on testing and getting the user testing as well as writing an evaluation about the project

Get Time Leap

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