Week 3

After taking a break from developing the game due to the fact that i had other college work , deadlines and other programs i was finally able to get some work done on this game. 

firstly i started by doing some light art work and making some tweaks to my original designs as i wasn't too happy with some aspects of the characters that i had designed.

in terms of the actual game  i have done a redo of the movement system. My original movement system had him going up a little bit at a time. after realising it wouldn't work and testing the movement system in an older game that i made that has shooting mechanics the movement was to slow. So the player can still only move up , down and right but now he has full range of movement and there isn't any restrictions. while i still need to decide if the speed is to fast or slow it is progress. now i will move on to get the shooting mechanics working as that is the next big hurdle that i need to get over. once that is done i am really on the home strech as i just have to the enemies in and they be similar to the player.  

Get Time Leap

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